Okay, if you’re a Democratic voter, we need to have a heart-to-heart. You know real talk. I’ve noticed, and am frightened by some bad habits y’all have exhibited not even in the past two years, but in the past fifteen years. For example…I noticed that more and more democratic voters in Democratic run states are getting apathetic…while others are succumbing to the bullshit of social media voter suppression.
The very first thing I want to do is discuss what blue apathy is. Blue apathy is exactly what it sounds like. Think back to when you were in a K-12 environment, or even in college, and you had to do a group project…and one of the two situations happened that is frustrating.
One person coasts by while everybody else does the work, or
You’re doing all the work while everybody else is coasting by off of it.
There’s no in between here. Here’s how it goes, y’all. you have to actually participate in democracy to keep democracy. For Democratic voters (especially those who live in states like New York, California, etc) you have to keep in in mind that your participation is actually mandatory. You cannot sit out and expect others to do it, nor can you be the only person who’s just doing the work while others are being lazy.
Apathy kills absolutely, and apathy absolutely kills. That is, when people get lazy…they get too comfortable…and when they get too comfortable when things really hit the fan they do not know what to do. A lot of disadvantaged groups have had to fight, and will continue to fight. However, those who have privilege and influence know they have to do the right thing. However, they cannot be afraid to use their power.
Another problem I noticed is actually in the YouTube, and social media sphere. I know y’all are saying “Robert you harp on media literacy and logic training…we know already!” To which I say I have to keep saying this because people will forget. Yes, you will need to use media literacy and logic training to not allow yourself to be discouraged from voting.
It’s really really easy to fall into the abyss of hopelessness and choose not to participate…or fall for the fallacy of “both parties are the same.’ I’m going to telly ou right now that doomerism, and the fallacy of bothsidesism (or Tu Quoque to be more direct) is not the way to go. Here’s the thing there are people who make their money off of making sure that you, yes the person who’s reading this, from taking action. That is they want you afraid, and/or they want you to vote against your interests and your better common sense.
Also keep in mind that this actually pisses me off. It also pisses me off when there are those who spread conspiracy theories that has no truth or merit to it. Listen don’t allow yourself to be taken in by the vacuum of fallacy, lies, propaganda, and overall idiocy.
Now what do we need to do to fight blue apathy, and doomerism…a lot actually. I did touch on it on a pervious article, but I’ll review it here. The biggest thing you gotta do is just to stop and think! Yes, use your brain and use critical thinking skills because there’s a lot that can set in blue apathy. Also you do need to participate. Are you registered to vote? Are you emailing/calling your representatives? Are you going to city/county council meetings, and school board meetings? Are you engaging with other people and so on? This is the start to breaking blue apathy.
The second part of breaking blue apathy is to do what Kendrick Lamar said three weeks ago, turn the TV off. That’s right, it’s important to get information, but corporate mainstream media isn’t going to do so. Also social media and YouTube should be used carefully. YouTube especially since they have an algorithm that pushes material you don’t want to see or push for. Now it makes sense that you shouldn’t search it out, however YouTube seems to think everybody wants to see right-wing BS, or click-bait leftist BS.
Also on social medial do be aware of what you’re posting, re blogging, or liking. Yes, lies, misinformation, and propaganda can (and will) spread like wildfire, where the truth can always get lost in the crossfire. Then when the truth comes out it’s often too late, and the lie has taken hold. So let’s avoid that.
Finally, do not be afraid! I know things are tough, but as a democratic voter you cannot be afraid to fight back. Also you cannot be afraid to call out even leftist grifters, and those selling you false hope. I know I try not to sell false hope, and I know how hard the fight will be. However as I’ve said…too many people got way too comfortable. Secondly, be proactive! That’s right don’t wait to get involved to help, go help! Go participate, do something to help advance this situation!
Additionally, look in the mirror. Yes this is for every democratic voter who sat out, or voted for Jill Stein. Look in the mirror and ask yourself this one question “Was it worth it, and how can I make it right?” Once you start to self-reflect you’re going to realize that you carry a lot of influence and will have to carry it carefully. Trust me when I say that self reflection is a wonderful thing. Yes it’s hard, but you have zero choice but to do so…because if you don’t believe you’re at fault (when you are) then you won’t progress with anything.
People have made so much money on depressing democrat turnout (the media especially) and now want to act shocked when liberals want nothing to do with them. I’ve seen A LOT of liberals just not having it anymore with the leftist grifters and the pundits who helped maga get us here and I love it. We do not need Matt Yglesias, Jake Tappers, Ken Klippenstein in our tent anymore!
Thank you for saying this, Rob. I'm pissed at all this too. Not a fun feeling but WAY better than apathy.