Weapons of Mass Distraction (WMDs)
Trump is using weapons of Mass distraction to deflect from his failures.
Here’s the thing that people do need to understand. Trump is using weapons of Mass Distraction to deflect from his failures. For example he and his enablers are trying to ignore court orders, but that will end up bust. As I’ve said in a previous article of mine…the courts can/will impose sanctions. Also keep in mind that Pam Bondi isn’t an evil genius. She has to adhere to the rules of the court and provide a legal reason for why the order to keep Musk out of the Treasury’s payment system should be overturned or modified. However, I don’t think the courts will budge.
Also keep in mind that Trump is doing this the same way he did v 1.0 of his term. He’s trying to exact vengeance. Ultimately, he’s going to fail because people are seeing right through him. Do I think he’s a dangerous man…yes. Do I think he and his enablers are dangerous, of course. I don’t say that to scare, but to be honest. However dangerous people are still people.
Also with this power grab was beyond sloppy. Unlike let’s say Hungary, or Russia, or Cuba, or China, or Belarus…the governed allowed it to happen all of the time. Also in this article here…it is a distraction of trying to get him a third term. He’s lame ducked, and he done in January 20th, 2029, at 11:59 a.m.
Also remember in his more lucid period, he’s done this before.
This is not new by any stretch of he imagination. He has done this before, even when he was more lucid. In fact, he has deflected from his failres quite often, that the media would just pick it up. For example in 2012, he decided to go all-in on the racist birther conspiracy theory against Barack Obama. This actually has got him the negative attention he wanted.
Also he has made fun of those with physical disability. That is he mocked a reporter who really did have a condition. His nephew Fred Trump III on the View in 2024 stated that Trump really did hate people with disabilities, and wanted some of his own members of the family to die.
Why is he like this?
Trump is what’s known as solipsistic personality (and possibly narcissistic). For those of you who don’t know, a solipsist is a person who only Thinks about themselves and themselves only. The brutally honest answer, is that they only think about themselves. Also I have said also possibly narcissistic. Those traits are gaslighting, pitting people against each other for his own amusement, and most importantly trying to bend reality to his whim.
In short, in my opinon…he never had real love as as kid. In fact his father did the same thing against him, as he did against his own children. Also keep in mind that he wasn’t given correct guidance (or discipline) as a kid as well. It was to the point where he was sent to military school, but let’s just say we know how he is now.
Will a person like him self-destruct?
Yes, they always do. People with his personality traits are emotionally fragile. In fact the more he tries to distract from his own failures, the worse it’s going to get. Taking politics out of it…this doom loop he’s placed himself into (and being enabled by those with their own self-dealings) will be his down fall.
While he has a negative charisma that attracts top MAGA…Musk, Vance, and everybody else doesn’t have that kind of hold he has. Thus a power struggle and a half will take place, and fracture MAGA once and for all. Also this would turn into distractions in itself to reflect off of their failures, and it’s a never-ending loop of fuckery.
What exactly can you do to not caught up in the WMDs?
Yes, I have said that media literacy, and logic training are the way to go. Also, to participate, and to build your community. However, here is one thing you really gotta do, and that’s to step away from social media…or take it in small doses. Here’s the thing, WMDs are effective when you engage with it. Instead just back off, but be informed on what’s really going on. After all, the less you engage with the distractions the better off you’ll be. Also if you must be on social media, post something other than politics. Post some positive news, and funny memes, and everything else. While WMDs are dangerous for a guy like Trump, paying attention to the real issues will save you and your sanity.